Friday, August 1, 2008

Environmental Governance.

The environmental pollution and degradation, and depletion of natural resources in an alarming level threaten the very existence and survival of humans and all other living species. The integrity of the earth and its biodiversity, the security of nations, and the heritage of future generations. are all seriously threatened due to climate change.Quality and quantity of rain affected by SO2 released from coal burnt factories increases acid rains. In 1990 a concerted effort was made by the participated nations to roll back CO2 and SO2 emission by as much as 30% compared to the the1980 level. Oxide of nitrogen (NOX) level emitted by vehicles is also increasing due to number vehicles on roads. The main greenhouse gas CO2 rose to a record level .Forest fires contributed more to increase the level of CO2. During 1970 to 2000 the CO2 level increased by 1.5ppm .Since 2001 CO2 level is increasing by 2.6ppm. Climate changes due to increase in CO2 level changes the weather pattern. Bleak picture of increasing poverty, paucity of drinking water, melting glaciers, and polar ice caps, and a host of vanishing species by the 2050 unless action is taken to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and other green gases According to a United Nations report, climate change will have a significant damage to all continent generating more storms and heat waves, causing droughts, the extinction of some species.The Intergovernmental panel on climate changes has warned that by the end of this century every hemisphere will face water –related problems. The Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus will become seasonal rivers, dry between monsoons as Himalaya’s glaciers will continue their retreat. Water tables will continue to fall, or grow more saline. Crop productivity will fall, as temperature rise in India by as much as 1.2 degree C on average by 2040. and by the end of this century the temperature rise could be around 5.4 degree C. Sea levels will rise at least 40cms by 2100 inundating vast areas in coastline, including some of the thickly populated cities. People will be forced to migrate. These are the major challenges due to climate changes
It is reported that large amounts over 1.5 trillion tonnes of frozen carbon about twice as much as contained in the atmosphere are stored in the Arctic regions.The Arctic carbon may worsen climate change if temperature rise by 2 degrees C over the pre-industrial levels.The developing nations wanted the developed countries to commit themselves to significant reductions in green gas emissions by 80% below the 1990 levels by 2050 (the date of Kyoto protocol level) and also an interim target of cutting emissions for the industrial nations by 40 per cent by 2020. In the L'Aquila. Italy developed countries committed themselves to reduce the emissions level by 80% by2050 and called on the rest of the world to move towards the goal of reducing overall global emissions by 50 per cent by 2050.
China has voluntarily announced that it will deuce cabon emission per unit og GDP to 40-50%of 2005 by 2020.India announced 20-255 of carbon emmission intensity by 2020.

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